- Acronis Backup Cloud – Incident details

Acronis Backup Cloud

Started over 3 years agoLasted 19 days



Operational from 10:00 AM to 8:58 AM

Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud - Frankfurt DE

Operational from 10:00 AM to 8:58 AM

  • Resolved

    Everything should be working as expected now. If you still encounter issues please contact

  • Monitoring

    We received an update from Acronis, regarding the backups which were not started for some customers between 23rd - 27th May 2021:

    The R&D Team confirmed this was caused by the recent issue related to the Data Center incident I suspected.

    The incident resulted in some protection plan policies to get revoked from the agents though not displayed as such in the Protection Console.

    A general solution to avoid this happening in the future will be applied with the C21.06 release.

  • Identified

    A few weeks ago (23th May, 2021) Acronis Backup had a major issue which resulted in that some servers were not backuped between 23th - 27th May 2021. We have also noticed that a number of customers are missing backups from before May. We have reported this issue to Acronis and they are looking into this issue. We keep this issue open and keep you updated once we have new information regarding this issue.